Our tire experts mark all tyres according to the qualities we offer |
All tire collecting companies in Germany have one big problem: The prices for tire disposal are low and so is the quality of the collected tyres. The reason for this is that thousands of legal and illegal tire collecting companies are operating in this market of waste tires. Most of the illegal waste tire dealers collect the tyres, store them in a big old factories or similar, and after then they escape to other regions or declare their bankruptcy. Other dealers collect all reusable tires before a professional waste tire company does.
monstertyres is out of this dilemma by paying for good reusable tires. Second hand tires as well as casing tires for retread factories. The prices for excellent part worn tyres reach up to 8,00 € / piece. On the other hand, suppliers have to pay for the scrap. When all the reusable tires are given away, the customer has to pay for the scrap 2,10 € / piece.
monstertyres traditionally offers its service at an individually fair and equitable price. Our tire collecting service for all kinds of scrap, waste, reusable, retread, second hand and all the other used tires is a very individual service. Everybody has the opportunity to save the part worn tyres, tyres for retreading and all the other reusable tires for us. If he does, he receives a low price for our service. The waste tire supplier has to pay more by supplying a lot of scrap.
We also use our experienced method in waste tire disposal for another large segment of the market: used tire export.
Now all customers have the possibility to buy used tires at low prices. Everybody makes his own price